The Pharmacy Registration Board of Western Australia (the Board) is established under the Pharmacy Act 2010 (the Act).
The functions of the Board are as follows:
Effectively, it is responsible for administration of the Act which provides for the regulation of pharmacy premises in Western Australia.
NB. The registration of pharmacists and the handling of complaints about the conduct, health of a pharmacist is the responsibility of the Pharmacy Board of Australia which has its services administered by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
The Board consists of four members appointed by the Minister for Health. Three members are registered pharmacists and one is a community member.
The Board generally meets on the third Wednesday of each month. Note: The Board does not hold meetings in January.
For the Board to consider an application at a particular meeting, the COMPLETED application must be received no later than 20 business days prior to the meeting. The last date allowable is shown in square parenthesis next to the date of the meeting.
All applications to be considered by the Board MUST be lodged electronically.
Feb 2025: 19th [21 Jan 2025]
Mar 2025: 17th [19 Feb 2025] (NOTE - Revised Date)
Apr 2025: 16th [19 Mar 2025]
May 2025: 21st [22 Apr 2025]
Jun 2025: 18th [20 May 2025]
Jul 2025: 16th [18 Jun 2025]